Volume 9 Issue 1: Available since February 3, 2020
Message from Prof. Dennis Lam and Prof. Jost B. Jonas, Editors-in-Chief |
Dear Colleagues,
The Jan/Feb 2020 issue of APJO is now available online! A major highlight of this issue is the editorial and two original clinical studies on Endophthalmitis by Das T, Bhikoo R et al, and Dave VP et al, respectively. Another recommended article is an original clinical study on prophylactic intravitreal bevacizumab after plaque radiotherapy for uveal melanoma by Shields C et al.
Here below for your perusal is the list of articles of this issue.
Original Clinical Study:
Factors Associated With Positive Microbial Culture in Patients With Endophthalmitis Based on Clinical Presentation and Multimodal Intraocular Sampling
Bhikoo, Riyaz; Wang, Nancy; Welch, Sarah; Polkinghorne, Philip; Niederer, Rachael
Aspergillus Endophthalmitis: Clinical Presentations and Factors Determining Outcomes
Dave, Vivek Pravin; Pappuru, Rajeev R.; Pathengay, Avinash; Gupta, Rajan; Joseph, Joveeta; Sharma, Savitri; Das, Taraprasad
Effect of Metabolic Syndrome on Blood Pressure Changes During Cataract Surgery
Ono, Takashi; Iwasaki, Takuya; Sameshima, Sayumi; Lee, Jinhee; Mori, Yosai; Nejima, Ryohei; Aihara, Makoto; Miyata, Kazunori
Quantitative and Morphological Corneal Endothelial Changes After Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty and Retinal Photocoagulation
Kanagaratnam, Aran; Ong, Keith
Acquired Ocular Motor Palsy: Current Demographic and Etiological Profile
Phuljhele, Swati; Dhiman, Rebika; Sharma, Medha; Kusiyait, Sanjay Kumar; Saxena, Rohit; Mahalingam, Karthikeyan; Sharma, Pradeep
Prophylactic Intravitreal Bevacizumab After Plaque Radiotherapy for Uveal Melanoma: Analysis of Visual Acuity, Tumor Response, and Radiation Complications of 1131 Eyes Based on Patient Age
Chang, Michael; Dalvin, Lauren A.; Mazloumi, Mehdi; Martin, Andrei; Yaghy, Antonio; Yang, Xiaolu; Bakhtiari, Saba; Li, Lucy; Jennings, Erin; Mashayekhi, Arman; Shields, Carol L.
A Novel Method of CT Exophthalmometry in Patients With Thyroid Eye Disease
Tiong, Tze Yang Vincent; Sundar, Gangadhara; Young, Stephanie M.; Makmur, Andrew; Yong, Hsiang Rong Clement; Wong, Yen Ling Jocelyn; Lang, Stephanie Shuang; Tan, Ai Peng
Thyroid Eye Disease-Related Epiblepharon: A Comparative Case Study
Zhao, Jiawei; Hodgson, Nickisa M.; Chang, Jessica R.; Campbell, Ashley A.; McCulley, Timothy J.
Effects of Switching to Aflibercept in Treatment Resistant Macular Edema Secondary to Retinal Vein Occlusion
Spooner, Kimberly; Fraser-Bell, Samantha; Hong, Thomas; Chang, Andrew
Utility and Feasibility of Teleophthalmology Using a Smartphone-Based Ophthalmic Camera in Screening Camps in Nepal
Collon, Sean; Chang, David; Tabin, Geoffrey; Hong, Karen; Myung, David; Thapa, Suman
Sincerely yours,
Prof. Dennis Lam & Jost Jonas
Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology
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